Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Row, Row Row Your Boat...

_space group has a proud tradition of participating in the range of events laid on by the construction industry, from corporate golf days to networking breakfasts. None however, has caused more of a stir than the relatively new phenomenon of Dragon Boat Racing. In it's first year, our brave North West office, situated in the heart of Manchester, decided to try their hands at it.

The _space group team was raring to go...

More than 30 teams from across the North West Construction industry took part in the challenge, which was held on a rainy day in June, at Salford Quays. _space group's team was led by the indomidable Nigel Pilkington, Associate Director, and although the team was two 'men' (being a 50/50 male/female split) down, everyone put in a lot of effort and _space group gave it 100% in each of their heats.

The team takes their places...

After completing our first heat at a time of 68.65, the team felt it had done very well...until finding out that this unfortunatly ranked us fairly low on the scoreboard. In point of fact, it ranked us last.

Spirits were lifted after two fellow teams capsized, and it looked like, after some last minute coaching just before our second heat, the team was set to improve on its time. At a time of 68.92 however, this proved not to be the case and this helped to propel the team to an overall ranking of last!

What we took away from this event was that, although we work together as a team every day, and we like to set the pace in everything we do when working on a project, there are some times when 10 rugby players will win out over a team of eight, less than fit, _space people. To this end, we are planning on hiring some incredibly active architects who act as fly halves in their spare time!